Friday, June 6, 2008

My grass is greener than yours

Awww ... now is that not cute?!

I've taken on an independent study at school, basically immersing myself in all of the virtual worlds or techie applications that exist now promoting environmentalism. So I have spent the last couple days scouring the internet for all the environmental causes on the web that I can find. They really run the gamut from cutsie to militant, earnest to chastising showing how many motivations people find to "go green." One thing's certain, though. The time has come when it's finally cool to be a green girl or boy. These aren't your parent's treehuggers.

I'm quite excited about this project really. I believe I have finally discovered a way to put all the business acumen that I have been studying for the past year to work in the real world and still retain my sense of decency and idealism. Because I have finally discovered that good businesses, that is non-profits, agencies and even profitable businesses who are working to bring necessary goods or services to people who need them, need marketers just as much as all of the profit-hungry, materialistic corporations we all love to bash. The omnipresent "catch" is that all those jolly non-profits probably do not realize that they could benefit from marketing, and can seldom afford to hire many of us even if they do.

All the same, it is enormously comforting to know that I could actually bring myself to work in the field in which I have been studying for the past 12 months. I had my worries there for a while. I just have a fundamental ethical dilemma in selling people shit they don't need. And most marketers make their living doing (or trying to do) just that. The trick, I've found, is to find a business that is selling things people actually need.

In other news ...
- still have not reflected about my awesome trip to China and Japan. or put up photos. utterly shameful.
- actually have at my disposal two and a half weeks with no school. two weeks to catch up on all the nonsense I have put off now for a whole semester. what more could a girl want?
- have become attached to writing entire sentences in lowercase script. except, of course, for the "proper nouns" like 'I' because to not give them their due capitals would just be improper.

1 comment:

nenner said...

I'd hereby like to recognise, well, myself as "So I'm thinking"s number one fan.