Sunday, September 9, 2007

The trials of being sick

I've managed to get quite sick this weekend. And since I know that noone really wants to hear me complain -- I am in fact annoying myself with the constant coughing followed by little miserable whimpers -- I figured I would complain online. That way, when someone's decided they've had enough, a deft little click to the corner 'x' will relieve his pain.
In any case: being sick.
Everyone knows it's miserable. But I want to take just a moment here to discuss how visiting the neighborhood drug store does very little to make you feel any better. I went this morning, and am now about $35 dollars poorer, and have the dubious distinction to own half the cold products that they sell. And these things probably have much the same ingredients, and in the end, probably address the same symptoms. But there's an instinct when you're sick to make sure you cover all your bases in a frantic and usually desperate attempt to try to avoid the thing at any cost. The makers of Dayquil capitalize on this, and stick about 20 different kinds of their silly medicine on the shelves, making you feel guilty if you don't buy them, in case it turns out that the particular concoction in whatever box you decided not to pick up happens to be the one you need.
Mostly I do this for other people's sakes. I can't afford to be more cranky and unpleasant than I already am to people, so I want to make sure that if the medicines do not help me feel well enough to make a go at being amiable, they at least drug me up enough so that I am not too wretched.

But now, as I've spent the last ten minutes whining about being sick, unsuprisingly, I have developed a headache, and am going to go consult the growing dispensary in my medicine cabinet and take a bit of a nap.
Three cheers for Dayquil "for sinuses and headache pressure" . . .

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